Reproductive Medicine

Reproductive Medicine Experts

Trubina Tatyana Vladimirovna

Nova Clinic, Russia
Russian Federation


Kirov State Medical Academy, medical faculty. Specialty - medical business; Kirov State Medical Academy, clinical internship, specialty - obstetrics and gynecology; GOU VPO SPb MAPO Roszdrav cycle "Colposcopy with bases kolpotsitologii"; FGBU "Federal Center of the Heart, Blood and Endocrinology. V.A. Almazova "of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the cycle" Clinical obstetrics (practical course using simulator platforms and birth simulators) "; Ryazan State Medical University, cycle "Ultrasound diagnostics", primary specialization; Russian Peoples Friendship University, cycle "Laparoscopy in gynecology", advanced training. Endosurgery Center, Kazan, the cycle "Laparoscopy in gynecology", training in the operating room.

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