
Engineering Experts

Aminov Rashid Zarifovich

technical sciences
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation


1961 - graduated from the Saratov Polytechnic Institute. 1963-1966 - worked at CHPP-4 (Balakovo). 1966 - under the guidance of Professor A.I. Andryushchenko defended his thesis. Since February 1974 , he is head of the Department of Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants of the Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. 1978 - defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. 1980 - elected to the position of professor of the chair "Thermal and nuclear power plants". Since 1990 , he is the director of the Saratov branch of INEI RAS. Since 1996 , he is the Director of the Energy Department of the Volga region of the SSC RAS. Since 1998 , he is a full member of the International Energy Academy. Developed a new scientific direction - the fundamental foundations of the theory of vector optimization. For the first time mathematically strictly disclosed and proved the possibility of determining the uncertain Lagrange multipliers. He created the physical and mathematical models of the vector-gradient of functions of almost any complexity with constraining coupling equations. Developed the principles and methodology of accounting modes of operation, reliability and safety properties, as well as a number of other system factors. Currently, these methods and approaches have received wide, including international recognition. He is a member of the Bureau of the Scientific Council "Thermal Power and Thermophysics" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a member of the Presidium of the Saratov Scientific Center. Known as a major specialist in the field of thermal and nuclear power plants, which made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of optimization of thermal circuits, parameters and modes of operation. He is the Chairman of the Dissertation Council D 212.242.07 on the specialties 05.14.01 - Energy systems and complexes (technical sciences) and 05.14.04 - Industrial heat and power engineering (technical sciences) and a member of the HAC expert council (since 1995).

Research Interest

 technical sciences

Global Experts from Russian Federation

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