Andreychenko Konstantin Petrovich
technical sciences
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation
1964 - graduated from the instrument-making faculty of the Saratov Polytechnic Institute, specializing in "gyroscopic instruments and devices", entered postgraduate study. 1969 - defended his thesis for a Candidate of Science (specialty). 1979 - defended his doctoral thesis (on special subject). 1980 - created the Department of Applied Mathematics and the Theory of Navigation Devices in Saratov State Technical University. 1982 - awarded the academic title of professor of the department "Applied mathematics and the theory of navigational instruments". 1972-1990 - was the scientific leader and the main executor of the work "Research, development of the theory and methods for calculating gyroscopes with a hydrodynamic suspension," performed by decisions of the Commission at the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The work was completed by the serial production of a gyroscopic device and angular stabilization systems for the rocket launcher rockets Uragan and Smerch. 1980-2009 - he headed the department "Applied mathematics and the theory of navigational instruments". 1980-2002 - was the head of the scientific direction "Mathematical modeling and parametric synthesis of combined dynamic systems". In the framework of this direction in the 1980-1990s he was the head of research work carried out under the programs of the Council of Ministers of the USSR to create high-precision precision gyroscopic stabilizers with floating platforms and their sensitive elements. 1982 - awarded the academic title of professor of the department "Applied mathematics and the theory of navigational instruments". 1993-1998 - supervised the educational and research center of mechanics and mathematics of the SSTU. 1998-2009 - headed the educational and research center of fundamental sciences.
Research Interest
technical sciences