Babenkova Tatyana Valentinovna
technical sciences
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation
1990 - graduated with honors from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky in the specialty "Mathematics". 1994 - enrolled in full-time postgraduate study at the Saratov State Technical University at the Department of Higher Mathematics, majoring in Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Program Complexes. 1998 - successfully defended the thesis "Mathematical modeling of the problems of statics and dynamics of multilayer unbonded plates" for the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences. Since 2010 , he is the chairman of the trade union bureau of the physical and technical faculty of the Saratov State Technical University. In accordance with the agreement on cooperation between Saratov State Technical University and Lyceum No. 2, Saratov Tatyana Valentinovna has been teaching mathematics in 10-11 classes for more than 10 years. 2011 - for participation in the preparation and holding of the city workshop "Mathematical modeling of real processes as a necessary tool for educational and future professional success" was noted by the letter of gratitude of the Saratov Education Committee. At the city seminar held by the Municipal Institution "City Methodological Center" Tatyana Valentinovna received a certificate for conducting a master class "Method of Mathematical Modeling in Extreme Problems in Geometry". 2012 - submitted documents to the Main Attestation Commission for the assignment of the highest qualification category and approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia in the academic rank of Associate Professor of the Chair "Mathematics and Modeling".1990 - graduated with honors from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky in the specialty "Mathematics". 1994 - enrolled in full-time postgraduate study at the Saratov State Technical University at the Department of Higher Mathematics, majoring in Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Program Complexes. 1998 - successfully defended the thesis "Mathematical modeling of the problems of statics and dynamics of multilayer unbonded plates" for the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences. Since 2010 , he is the chairman of the trade union bureau of the physical and technical faculty of the Saratov State Technical University. In accordance with the agreement on cooperation between Saratov State Technical University and Lyceum No. 2, Saratov Tatyana Valentinovna has been teaching mathematics in 10-11 classes for more than 10 years. 2011 - for participation in the preparation and holding of the city workshop "Mathematical modeling of real processes as a necessary tool for educational and future professional success" was noted by the letter of gratitude of the Saratov Education Committee. At the city seminar held by the Municipal Institution "City Methodological Center" Tatyana Valentinovna received a certificate for conducting a master class "Method of Mathematical Modeling in Extreme Problems in Geometry". 2012 - submitted documents to the Main Attestation Commission for the assignment of the highest qualification category and approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia in the academic rank of Associate Professor of the Chair "Mathematics and Modeling".
Research Interest
technical sciences