
Mathematics Experts

Bayburin Vil Barievich

Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation


He is an expert working at the junction of the scientific fields of ultrahigh-frequency electronics, radiophysics, computer simulation and atomic-resolution probe microscopy. Developed a nonlinear theory of the interaction of electron currents with electromagnetic waves in crossed fields, including analysis of amplifiers and generators. He created new technological processes and devices based on the effects of microwave interaction with discrete and continuous media (medicine, electronics, industry, printing, biology, 1990-1997). Developed analytical and measuring complexes based on scanning probe microscopy of atomic resolution (since 1990), the use of which allowed discovering new effects in the field of solid state physics and molecular biology. Under his scientific leadership and with the direct participation of more than 120 research and development works (R & D), more than 40 of which were included in the plan of the most important works of the Ministry of Electronic Industry and were carried out on defense orders, the rest - on the won grants within the framework of a number of interuniversity and federal programs: "Fundamental Research in Instrument Making", "Technical Universities", "Conversion and Dual Technologies", "Research and Development in Priority Areas of Science and Technology" and etc. The basic theoretical and experimental studies carried out by Vil Barievichem led to the creation of unique (including for the needs of national security) devices, technologies and installations that surpass the world analogues in their parameters. He created and jointly with his students develops a new scientific direction "Multifactorial Experimental-Statistical and Computer Optimization of Electronic Devices and Technological Processes". Formed a scientific school for analyzing the interaction of electromagnetic waves with concentrated media, created new specialties in SSTU ("Software for Computing Machinery and Automated Systems" and "Comprehensive Information Security for Automated Systems") and the corresponding department. Under his leadership more than 30 candidate and doctoral dissertations were defended, and several dozen theses were executed. More than 60 times involved as an official opponent to the work of academic councils of universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Kharkov and other cities. First name Baiburin is included in the list of famous scientists of the world with the publication of biographical data in the jubilee encyclopedia "Who is Who in the World" published by the international publishing house "Markus" (USA, 1998), as well as in the encyclopaedia "Great Russia. Names ", in the Internet directory" Faces of Russia. Intellectual elite of Russia. Database "Modern Russia".He is an expert working at the junction of the scientific fields of ultrahigh-frequency electronics, radiophysics, computer simulation and atomic-resolution probe microscopy. Developed a nonlinear theory of the interaction of electron currents with electromagnetic waves in crossed fields, including analysis of amplifiers and generators. He created new technological processes and devices based on the effects of microwave interaction with discrete and continuous media (medicine, electronics, industry, printing, biology, 1990-1997). Developed analytical and measuring complexes based on scanning probe microscopy of atomic resolution (since 1990), the use of which allowed discovering new effects in the field of solid state physics and molecular biology. Under his scientific leadership and with the direct participation of more than 120 research and development works (R & D), more than 40 of which were included in the plan of the most important works of the Ministry of Electronic Industry and were carried out on defense orders, the rest - on the won grants within the framework of a number of interuniversity and federal programs: "Fundamental Research in Instrument Making", "Technical Universities", "Conversion and Dual Technologies", "Research and Development in Priority Areas of Science and Technology" and etc. The basic theoretical and experimental studies carried out by Vil Barievichem led to the creation of unique (including for the needs of national security) devices, technologies and installations that surpass the world analogues in their parameters. He created and jointly with his students develops a new scientific direction "Multifactorial Experimental-Statistical and Computer Optimization of Electronic Devices and Technological Processes". Formed a scientific school for analyzing the interaction of electromagnetic waves with concentrated media, created new specialties in SSTU ("Software for Computing Machinery and Automated Systems" and "Comprehensive Information Security for Automated Systems") and the corresponding department. Under his leadership more than 30 candidate and doctoral dissertations were defended, and several dozen theses were executed. More than 60 times involved as an official opponent to the work of academic councils of universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Kharkov and other cities. First name Baiburin is included in the list of famous scientists of the world with the publication of biographical data in the jubilee encyclopedia "Who is Who in the World" published by the international publishing house "Markus" (USA, 1998), as well as in the encyclopaedia "Great Russia. Names ", in the Internet directory" Faces of Russia. Intellectual elite of Russia. Database "Modern Russia".

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Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Global Experts from Russian Federation

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