Brovkova Marina Borisovna
technical sciences
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation
1997 - graduated from the graduate school on the specialty 05.03.01 - Processes of mechanical and physicotechnical processing, machines and tools. She defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. 1997-1998 - worked in the SSTU as an assistant. 1998-2007 - worked as an assistant professor. 2007 - defended her doctoral dissertation "Justification and implementation of dynamic monitoring of complex technological equipment in multi-nomenclature automated production". Since 2007 he has been working as a professor. Scientific work with students is conducted in the following areas: protection of information, identification of linguistic systems; monitoring of complex technological systems. Under her guidance, students published about 10 scientific papers, two - were awarded with certificates for participating in the competition for the best student work.1997 - graduated from the graduate school on the specialty 05.03.01 - Processes of mechanical and physicotechnical processing, machines and tools. She defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. 1997-1998 - worked in the SSTU as an assistant. 1998-2007 - worked as an assistant professor. 2007 - defended her doctoral dissertation "Justification and implementation of dynamic monitoring of complex technological equipment in multi-nomenclature automated production". Since 2007 he has been working as a professor. Scientific work with students is conducted in the following areas: protection of information, identification of linguistic systems; monitoring of complex technological systems. Under her guidance, students published about 10 scientific papers, two - were awarded with certificates for participating in the competition for the best student work.
Research Interest
technical sciences