
Engineering Experts

Dzhashitov Alexander Emmanuilovich

technical sciences
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation


1946-1956 - studied at the secondary school No. 19 in Saratov. 1956-1961 - studied at the Saratov State University named after N. Chernyshevsky. at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Since 1961 he worked as an assistant, studied in graduate school, worked as a senior lecturer, assistant professor at the Department of Theoretical Mechanics of the Saratov Polytechnic Institute (later Saratov State Technical University). 1965 - defended his thesis at the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. 1966 - received the title of Associate Professor. 1970-1971 - ten-month French language courses were held at the M.Torese Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages. 1971-1974 - worked in Algiers at the Annabinsky Mining and Metallurgical Institute as a teacher and head of the department of mathematics. 1990 was elected to the Saratov City Council and was chairman of the commission on local self-government, a member of the Presidency, and then the Small Council. Since 1992 , as chairman of the Association of Territorial Public Self-Governments of the Association of Self-Governing Territories in Saratov (ATOS "AST of Saratov"), since 1992, he has been engaged in the organization and activities of territorial public self-government, homeowners' associations and represents the interests of self-governing local communities in government and management bodies and in relationships with various legal and physical persons, lectures on the program for the preparation of chairmen of boards arischestv homeowners and housing co-operatives. Since 2011 he has been working as an assistant professor of the department "Technical mechanics and machine parts" of the SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A. In his work, he actively develops and introduces modern teaching methods into the educational process. As a result of the competition of creative works on the introduction of innovative technologies in education, A.E. Jashitov won first place and was awarded, and the department received a multimedia complex for equipping the audience.  AE Jashitov participated in the first Civil Forum and various forums, conferences, seminars related to the development of local and housing self-government and was the leader in the implementation of eleven grant programs. AE Jashitov is a member of the Public Chamber of the Saratov Region, a member of the Public Coordination Council of the city of Saratov, the Public Council of the Saratov Regional Duma and the Public Council of the State Housing Inspection. One of the authors of the monograph "Local self-government in Russia" (1994), the author of 14 scientific and methodical manuals on territorial public self-government, homeowners associations and public initiative organizations in the place of residence, the author of 15 draft decisions of the city council and decisions of the city administration, a member of the editorial board and author of 4 articles of the information publication "Eurograd" of the international program "Eurograd XXI", editor of the newsletter of the ATOS "AST of Saratov" "Local communities" (34 issues). 1946-1956 - studied at the secondary school No. 19 in Saratov. 1956-1961 - studied at the Saratov State University named after N. Chernyshevsky. at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Since 1961 he worked as an assistant, studied in graduate school, worked as a senior lecturer, assistant professor at the Department of Theoretical Mechanics of the Saratov Polytechnic Institute (later Saratov State Technical University). 1965 - defended his thesis at the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. 1966 - received the title of Associate Professor. 1970-1971 - ten-month French language courses were held at the M.Torese Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages. 1971-1974 - worked in Algiers at the Annabinsky Mining and Metallurgical Institute as a teacher and head of the department of mathematics. 1990 was elected to the Saratov City Council and was chairman of the commission on local self-government, a member of the Presidency, and then the Small Council. Since 1992 , as chairman of the Association of Territorial Public Self-Governments of the Association of Self-Governing Territories in Saratov (ATOS "AST of Saratov"), since 1992, he has been engaged in the organization and activities of territorial public self-government, homeowners' associations and represents the interests of self-governing local communities in government and management bodies and in relationships with various legal and physical persons, lectures on the program for the preparation of chairmen of boards arischestv homeowners and housing co-operatives. Since 2011 he has been working as an assistant professor of the department "Technical mechanics and machine parts" of the SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A. In his work, he actively develops and introduces modern teaching methods into the educational process. As a result of the competition of creative works on the introduction of innovative technologies in education, A.E. Jashitov won first place and was awarded, and the department received a multimedia complex for equipping the audience.  AE Jashitov participated in the first Civil Forum and various forums, conferences, seminars related to the development of local and housing self-government and was the leader in the implementation of eleven grant programs. AE Jashitov is a member of the Public Chamber of the Saratov Region, a member of the Public Coordination Council of the city of Saratov, the Public Council of the Saratov Regional Duma and the Public Council of the State Housing Inspection. One of the authors of the monograph "Local self-government in Russia" (1994), the author of 14 scientific and methodical manuals on territorial public self-government, homeowners associations and public initiative organizations in the place of residence, the author of 15 draft decisions of the city council and decisions of the city administration, a member of the editorial board and author of 4 articles of the information publication "Eurograd" of the international program "Eurograd XXI", editor of the newsletter of the ATOS "AST of Saratov" "Local communities" (34 issues).

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technical sciences

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