Horovodova Natalia Yurevna
physico-mathematical sciences
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation
Education and Career 2007 - defended the thesis "Mathematical modeling of chaotic trajectories in a magnetron diode". The scientific degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences was conferred. Completed the stage "Development of draft regulatory and legal documents regulating the procedure for creating and operating the information security system of the Saratov region" research work "Development of the information security program in the Saratov region."Education and Career 2007 - defended the thesis "Mathematical modeling of chaotic trajectories in a magnetron diode". The scientific degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences was conferred. Completed the stage "Development of draft regulatory and legal documents regulating the procedure for creating and operating the information security system of the Saratov region" research work "Development of the information security program in the Saratov region."
Research Interest
physico-mathematical sciences