Ignatiev Alexander Anatolievich
Technical Sciences
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation
Education and Career 1971 - graduated from the Faculty of Physics, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky, Department of "Radiophysics" 1973 - started working as a software engineer at Tantal. Since 1974 he has been working at the Saratov State Technical University. 1986 - defended his thesis at the Moscow Machine Tool Stankin. 1994 - defended his doctoral dissertation at the Saratov State Technical University. 1996 - elected to the position of professor of the department "Automation and control of technological processes". 1998 - appointed head of the department "Automation and management of technological processes." Since 2013 - Head of the Department of Automation, Control, Mechatronics of the Institute of Electronic Engineering and Mechanical Engineering of the SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A. Has opened a magistracy in a direction "Automation and management"Education and Career 1971 - graduated from the Faculty of Physics, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky, Department of "Radiophysics" 1973 - started working as a software engineer at Tantal. Since 1974 he has been working at the Saratov State Technical University. 1986 - defended his thesis at the Moscow Machine Tool Stankin. 1994 - defended his doctoral dissertation at the Saratov State Technical University. 1996 - elected to the position of professor of the department "Automation and control of technological processes". 1998 - appointed head of the department "Automation and management of technological processes." Since 2013 - Head of the Department of Automation, Control, Mechatronics of the Institute of Electronic Engineering and Mechanical Engineering of the SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A. Has opened a magistracy in a direction "Automation and management"
Research Interest
Technical Sciences