
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Kovalev Mikhail Vladimirovich

historical sciences
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation


Education and Career 2001-2006 - studied at the Faculty of History of the Saratov State University named after NG Chernyshevsky, majoring in History. 2006-2009 - studied at the graduate school of the Saratov State University named after NG Chernyshevsky with a degree in History of the Fatherland. 2007-2009 - was a junior researcher at the Saratov Interregional Institute of Social Sciences (CASE). 2007-2010 - worked as a history teacher in gymnasium No. 1 in Saratov. 2009 - defended the thesis "The Scientific Life of Russian Historians-Emigrants in Prague in the 1920s-1930s" for the degree of candidate of historical sciences at Saratov State University named after NG Chernyshevsky, specialty 07.00.02 - "Domestic History". 2009-2010 - worked as a history teacher at Lyceum No. 37 in Saratov 2009-2010 - held the post of assistant of the department "History of the Fatherland and Culture" of the Saratov State Technical University. 2010-2012 - held the post of associate professor of the chair "History of the Fatherland and Culture" of the Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. 2010 - was a junior researcher at the Saratov Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educators. 2009-2010 - Acted as Deputy Dean of the Social and Humanitarian Faculty for career guidance work of the ISPM SSTU. 2010-2011 - was the deputy dean of the social and humanitarian faculty for the scientific work of ISPM SSTU. 2010-2012 - held the post of associate professor of the department "Management of Tourist Business" FES SGTU. From 2011 to the present time he acts as the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Ecology and Service for Scientific Work of the Federal State Technological Service of the SSTU. From 2012 to the present time he is Head of the Department of Tourism Management of Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. 2012 (October) - was an invited lecturer at the Higher Economic School in Prague, lectured on "Historical Memory and Identity in Russia in the Twentieth Century" (in Russian and Czech). He speaks French, English and Czech.Education and Career 2001-2006 - studied at the Faculty of History of the Saratov State University named after NG Chernyshevsky, majoring in History. 2006-2009 - studied at the graduate school of the Saratov State University named after NG Chernyshevsky with a degree in History of the Fatherland. 2007-2009 - was a junior researcher at the Saratov Interregional Institute of Social Sciences (CASE). 2007-2010 - worked as a history teacher in gymnasium No. 1 in Saratov. 2009 - defended the thesis "The Scientific Life of Russian Historians-Emigrants in Prague in the 1920s-1930s" for the degree of candidate of historical sciences at Saratov State University named after NG Chernyshevsky, specialty 07.00.02 - "Domestic History". 2009-2010 - worked as a history teacher at Lyceum No. 37 in Saratov 2009-2010 - held the post of assistant of the department "History of the Fatherland and Culture" of the Saratov State Technical University. 2010-2012 - held the post of associate professor of the chair "History of the Fatherland and Culture" of the Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. 2010 - was a junior researcher at the Saratov Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educators. 2009-2010 - Acted as Deputy Dean of the Social and Humanitarian Faculty for career guidance work of the ISPM SSTU. 2010-2011 - was the deputy dean of the social and humanitarian faculty for the scientific work of ISPM SSTU. 2010-2012 - held the post of associate professor of the department "Management of Tourist Business" FES SGTU. From 2011 to the present time he acts as the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Ecology and Service for Scientific Work of the Federal State Technological Service of the SSTU. From 2012 to the present time he is Head of the Department of Tourism Management of Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. 2012 (October) - was an invited lecturer at the Higher Economic School in Prague, lectured on "Historical Memory and Identity in Russia in the Twentieth Century" (in Russian and Czech). He speaks French, English and Czech.

Research Interest

historical sciences

Global Experts from Russian Federation

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