Kozlitin Anatoly Mefodievich
Technical Sciences
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation
Education and Career 1968 - graduated from the Saratov Higher Military Command and Engineering Red Banner of the Order of the Red Star, the school of missile forces named after the Hero of the Soviet Union, Major-General A.I. Lizyukova, specialty "Electrical equipment of special equipment". 1968-1978 - served in the rocket forces of the Armed Forces of the USSR in engineering and command positions. 1978-1988 - was the teacher of the Department of "Power Supply Systems for Missile Systems" of the Saratov Higher Military Command and Engineering School of Missile Forces named after the Hero of the Soviet Union, Major-General A.I. Lizyukova. Since 1988 he works at Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. on posts of the senior teacher, the senior lecturer, the professor of faculty «Ergonomics and safety of ability to live» (now - «Natural and tehnosfernaja safety»). 1998 - defended his thesis "Accounting for industrial safety factors in the technical and economic feasibility of heat power plants enterprises." 2006 - on the results of defense of the doctoral dissertation "Development of the theory and methods of risk assessment for ensuring industrial safety of oil and gas facilities", the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. Since 2009 , he is a professor at the Department of Natural and Technospheric Security of the Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. He is a member of dissertational councils: on the protection of doctoral and master's theses D 212.289.05 at the Ufa State Oil Technical University; on the protection of doctoral and master's theses D 212.242.07 at the Saratov State Technical University; on the protection of doctoral and master's theses of DM 212.337.02 at the Penza State Technological University Honored Worker of Science and Education. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAE) and the Russian Ecological Academy (REA). Expert of the highest qualification of the system of expertise of industrial and environmental safety of Rostekhnadzor.Education and Career 1968 - graduated from the Saratov Higher Military Command and Engineering Red Banner of the Order of the Red Star, the school of missile forces named after the Hero of the Soviet Union, Major-General A.I. Lizyukova, specialty "Electrical equipment of special equipment". 1968-1978 - served in the rocket forces of the Armed Forces of the USSR in engineering and command positions. 1978-1988 - was the teacher of the Department of "Power Supply Systems for Missile Systems" of the Saratov Higher Military Command and Engineering School of Missile Forces named after the Hero of the Soviet Union, Major-General A.I. Lizyukova. Since 1988 he works at Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. on posts of the senior teacher, the senior lecturer, the professor of faculty «Ergonomics and safety of ability to live» (now - «Natural and tehnosfernaja safety»). 1998 - defended his thesis "Accounting for industrial safety factors in the technical and economic feasibility of heat power plants enterprises." 2006 - on the results of defense of the doctoral dissertation "Development of the theory and methods of risk assessment for ensuring industrial safety of oil and gas facilities", the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. Since 2009 , he is a professor at the Department of Natural and Technospheric Security of the Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. He is a member of dissertational councils: on the protection of doctoral and master's theses D 212.289.05 at the Ufa State Oil Technical University; on the protection of doctoral and master's theses D 212.242.07 at the Saratov State Technical University; on the protection of doctoral and master's theses of DM 212.337.02 at the Penza State Technological University Honored Worker of Science and Education. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAE) and the Russian Ecological Academy (REA). Expert of the highest qualification of the system of expertise of industrial and environmental safety of Rostekhnadzor.
Research Interest
Technical Sciences