Kurbatova Ekaterina Sergeevna
Economic Sciences
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation
Education and Career 2006 - defended a thesis on specialty 08.00.05 - "Economics and management of the national economy (including logistics)" for the degree of candidate of economic sciences. The scientific degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences was conferred. 2010 - the diploma of II degree of III round of the V All-Russian review competition of final qualifying works on a specialty 080502 - "Economy and management at the enterprises (in construction, on transport)", author of the work - Ð.Ð. Berezhnova, supervisor of studies - Associate Professor E.S. Kurbatova Manages the graduation design of students of the EUT specialty, as well as the preparation, presentation and registration of electronic IMCD in UIOT (one-semester disciplines). Participant of conferences of various levels, including: All-Russian Conference "Logistics, Innovation, Management in the Modern Business Environment" (Saratov, April 15, 2011) Education and Career 2006 - defended a thesis on specialty 08.00.05 - "Economics and management of the national economy (including logistics)" for the degree of candidate of economic sciences. The scientific degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences was conferred. 2010 - the diploma of II degree of III round of the V All-Russian review competition of final qualifying works on a specialty 080502 - "Economy and management at the enterprises (in construction, on transport)", author of the work - Ð.Ð. Berezhnova, supervisor of studies - Associate Professor E.S. Kurbatova Manages the graduation design of students of the EUT specialty, as well as the preparation, presentation and registration of electronic IMCD in UIOT (one-semester disciplines). Participant of conferences of various levels, including: All-Russian Conference "Logistics, Innovation, Management in the Modern Business Environment" (Saratov, April 15, 2011)
Research Interest
Economic Sciences