
Engineering Experts

Momot Tatyana Vasilievna

technical sciences
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation


Education and Career 1979 - graduated with honors from the Moscow Technological Institute of Light Industry (MTILP), specializing in "Garment Design". 1982 - graduated from the full-time post-graduate course of MTILP (now the RSU named after AN Kosygin (Technology, Design, Art)), defending his thesis on the specialty "Technology of garments". 1983 - awarded the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. 1983 - 1985 - worked as a teacher of labor in secondary school No. 3 in Liepaja (Latvia). 1985 - 1987 - worked as an assistant of the chair "Technology of garments" of the Novosibirsk branch of MTILP. 1988 - 1993 - worked as a senior laboratory assistant and assistant of the department "Technology of garment production" MTILP. 1993 - 1995 - worked as a teacher of the Saratov Technical College of Light Industry. 1995 - 2017 - worked as the senior lecturer of the chair "Technology and design of garments" and "Ecology and design" ETI (branch) SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A. Disciplines taught: "Fundamentals of Applied Anthropology and Biomechanics", "Designing Clothes", "Designing Light Industry Products", "Structural Modeling of Clothes", "Design and Technological Preparation of Production", "History of Costume and Fashion", "Designing Clothes for Customizing" , "Chemicalization of technological processes of sewing production", "Preparation of models of clothes for production". 2000 - 2008 - was the head of the department "Technology and design of garments" ETI (branch) SSTU. 2004 - awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the Department of Technology and Design of Garments. 2009 - 2010 - worked as an assistant professor of the chair "Culturology" of the SSTU (in combination).Education and Career 1979 - graduated with honors from the Moscow Technological Institute of Light Industry (MTILP), specializing in "Garment Design". 1982 - graduated from the full-time post-graduate course of MTILP (now the RSU named after AN Kosygin (Technology, Design, Art)), defending his thesis on the specialty "Technology of garments". 1983 - awarded the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. 1983 - 1985 - worked as a teacher of labor in secondary school No. 3 in Liepaja (Latvia). 1985 - 1987 - worked as an assistant of the chair "Technology of garments" of the Novosibirsk branch of MTILP. 1988 - 1993 - worked as a senior laboratory assistant and assistant of the department "Technology of garment production" MTILP. 1993 - 1995 - worked as a teacher of the Saratov Technical College of Light Industry. 1995 - 2017 - worked as the senior lecturer of the chair "Technology and design of garments" and "Ecology and design" ETI (branch) SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A. Disciplines taught: "Fundamentals of Applied Anthropology and Biomechanics", "Designing Clothes", "Designing Light Industry Products", "Structural Modeling of Clothes", "Design and Technological Preparation of Production", "History of Costume and Fashion", "Designing Clothes for Customizing" , "Chemicalization of technological processes of sewing production", "Preparation of models of clothes for production". 2000 - 2008 - was the head of the department "Technology and design of garments" ETI (branch) SSTU. 2004 - awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the Department of Technology and Design of Garments. 2009 - 2010 - worked as an assistant professor of the chair "Culturology" of the SSTU (in combination).

Research Interest

technical sciences

Global Experts from Russian Federation

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