Social & Political Sciences

Social & Political Sciences Experts

Mramornova Olga Vladimirovna

Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation


Education and Career 1979 - graduated with honors from the industrial faculty of the Saratov Institute of Economics with a degree in Industrial Planning. Since 1988 - has been working at the Department of Economic Theory and Labor Economics of the Saratov State Technical University, supervising postgraduate students. 1995 - defended the thesis "Restructuring the system of vocational training in the conditions of market formation" for the degree of candidate of economic sciences at the Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky on the specialty "Political Economy". 2010 - defended the thesis "Formation of the Russian institutional model of social and labor relations" for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences. 2011 - elected to the position of professor of the department "Economic theory and labor economics". Since September 1, 2016 he has been working at the department "Economics of Labor and Production Complexes". Education and Career 1979 - graduated with honors from the industrial faculty of the Saratov Institute of Economics with a degree in Industrial Planning. Since 1988 - has been working at the Department of Economic Theory and Labor Economics of the Saratov State Technical University, supervising postgraduate students. 1995 - defended the thesis "Restructuring the system of vocational training in the conditions of market formation" for the degree of candidate of economic sciences at the Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky on the specialty "Political Economy". 2010 - defended the thesis "Formation of the Russian institutional model of social and labor relations" for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences. 2011 - elected to the position of professor of the department "Economic theory and labor economics". Since September 1, 2016 he has been working at the department "Economics of Labor and Production Complexes".

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Global Experts from Russian Federation

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