Olga Dolinina
technical sciences
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation
1986 - graduated from the Saratov Polytechnic Institute, majoring in Automated Control Systems, a diploma with honors. 1989-1993 - trained in graduate school of Moscow State Power Engineering Institute (MEI), specialty 05.13.01 - System analysis, management and information processing. 1999 - defended a thesis for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.13.14 "Information processing and management systems". The theme of the thesis is "Development of a method for testing the product knowledge bases of expert systems, taking into account errors such as" forgetting about exclusion ", the supervisor of studies is associate professor V.Ð. Afonin (MPEI). 2002 - became the head of the department "Applied information technologies" of the SSTU. 2004 - awarded the academic title of Associate Professor. With 2008 on 2016 gg. - Dean of the International Faculty of Applied Information Technology. From 2016 to the present time - Director of the Institute of Applied Information Technologies and Communications of the SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A. Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Association for Engineering Education and Research iNEER (International Network for Engineering Education & Research), a certified instructor in Microsoft technologies . Director of the APTEK Training Center (ARTESN) of the SSTU, Hewlett-Packard International Institute of the CSTU, chairman of the organizing committee of the international competition "Digital Wind", All-Russian competition "Digital Start". Experience in the preparation and coordination of international projects for the IREX , BRIDGE , EURASIA , TEMPUS programs , scientific grants of Hewlett-Packard . Fluent in English. She passed internships in information technologies, project management in the USA, Great Britain, Sweden, Italy, France, Belgium, Bulgaria. The author of the methodology of entrepreneurs training in the field of ICT business. The developer of ICT qualifications for Russia and Kazakhstan. Honored Worker of the Higher School. Under the scientific management of the author, the thesis for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences is reserved. Ermakov and A.K. Kuzmin (specialty 05.13.01). The head or the responsible executor of the state budget research of the Saratov State Technical University (SSTU) named after Gagarin Yu.A.: Problem 03B.06. Modern methods of processing multidimensional data and time series (2000-2005). Problem 03B.03. Building quality control methods for the functioning of intelligent systems (2010-2012). Project 03B.02. Development of methods for designing intelligent systems in poorly formalized subject areas for industrial and socio-economic tasks (2013-2015, 2016-2018). Federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007-2013", activity 5.3 "Development of a system for demonstrating new achievements and transfer of best practices on the problems of science and innovation". In 2013-2017 years. under the direction of Dolinina О.N. international projects under the EU TEMPUS program : "Joint Master's program of double diplomas in mechatronics", "Development of professional ICT standards for the development of the system of professional ICT education for Russia and Kazakhstan", "Development of Creative Education: Master's Degree in Digital Design".1986 - graduated from the Saratov Polytechnic Institute, majoring in Automated Control Systems, a diploma with honors. 1989-1993 - trained in graduate school of Moscow State Power Engineering Institute (MEI), specialty 05.13.01 - System analysis, management and information processing. 1999 - defended a thesis for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.13.14 "Information processing and management systems". The theme of the thesis is "Development of a method for testing the product knowledge bases of expert systems, taking into account errors such as" forgetting about exclusion ", the supervisor of studies is associate professor V.Ð. Afonin (MPEI). 2002 - became the head of the department "Applied information technologies" of the SSTU. 2004 - awarded the academic title of Associate Professor. With 2008 on 2016 gg. - Dean of the International Faculty of Applied Information Technology. From 2016 to the present time - Director of the Institute of Applied Information Technologies and Communications of the SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A. Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Association for Engineering Education and Research iNEER (International Network for Engineering Education & Research), a certified instructor in Microsoft technologies . Director of the APTEK Training Center (ARTESN) of the SSTU, Hewlett-Packard International Institute of the CSTU, chairman of the organizing committee of the international competition "Digital Wind", All-Russian competition "Digital Start". Experience in the preparation and coordination of international projects for the IREX , BRIDGE , EURASIA , TEMPUS programs , scientific grants of Hewlett-Packard . Fluent in English. She passed internships in information technologies, project management in the USA, Great Britain, Sweden, Italy, France, Belgium, Bulgaria. The author of the methodology of entrepreneurs training in the field of ICT business. The developer of ICT qualifications for Russia and Kazakhstan. Honored Worker of the Higher School. Under the scientific management of the author, the thesis for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences is reserved. Ermakov and A.K. Kuzmin (specialty 05.13.01). The head or the responsible executor of the state budget research of the Saratov State Technical University (SSTU) named after Gagarin Yu.A.: Problem 03B.06. Modern methods of processing multidimensional data and time series (2000-2005). Problem 03B.03. Building quality control methods for the functioning of intelligent systems (2010-2012). Project 03B.02. Development of methods for designing intelligent systems in poorly formalized subject areas for industrial and socio-economic tasks (2013-2015, 2016-2018). Federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007-2013", activity 5.3 "Development of a system for demonstrating new achievements and transfer of best practices on the problems of science and innovation". In 2013-2017 years. under the direction of Dolinina О.N. international projects under the EU TEMPUS program : "Joint Master's program of double diplomas in mechatronics", "Development of professional ICT standards for the development of the system of professional ICT education for Russia and Kazakhstan", "Development of Creative Education: Master's Degree in Digital Design".
Research Interest
technical sciences