Osipov Valery Nikolayevich
Technical Sciences
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation
Education and Career 1995 - graduated with honors from the Power Department of the Saratov State Technical University with a degree in Thermal Power Plants. 1996-2003 - worked as an assistant to the chair "Heat power engineering" of the Saratov State Technical University. 2001 - defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences on the theme: "Thermodynamic optimization of schemes and parameters of binary combined-gas plants" on specialty 05.14.01 - "Energy systems and complexes". 2003 - elected to the post of associate professor of the chair "Heat power engineering". Since 2007 - acting as deputy head of the department "Heat power engineering". He takes an active part in the implementation of the sections of the intra-university state budget research in the development of rational schemes and the determination of the optimal parameters of different types of energy sources.Education and Career 1995 - graduated with honors from the Power Department of the Saratov State Technical University with a degree in Thermal Power Plants. 1996-2003 - worked as an assistant to the chair "Heat power engineering" of the Saratov State Technical University. 2001 - defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences on the theme: "Thermodynamic optimization of schemes and parameters of binary combined-gas plants" on specialty 05.14.01 - "Energy systems and complexes". 2003 - elected to the post of associate professor of the chair "Heat power engineering". Since 2007 - acting as deputy head of the department "Heat power engineering". He takes an active part in the implementation of the sections of the intra-university state budget research in the development of rational schemes and the determination of the optimal parameters of different types of energy sources.
Research Interest
Technical Sciences