
Mathematics Experts

Pavlova Maria Valentinovna

Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation


Education and Career 1999 - graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics of the Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky on the specialty "Radiophysics and Electronics." Received in graduate school at the department of "General Physics" Saratov State Technical University. 2003 - after graduating from the graduate school defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences in specialties 05.13.18 - "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes" and 01.04.03 - "Radiophysics". 2003 - the scientific degree of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences was awarded by the Dissertation Council D 212.242.08 at the SSTU and approved by the State Higher Attestation Committee of the Russian Federation. Since 2003 he has been working at the Department of General Physics of the Saratov State Technical University. 2003 (September) - August 2004 - worked as an assistant to the department "General Physics". 2004 (September) - has passed on competition on a post of the senior lecturer of chair "General physics". 2007 - the order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the Department of General Physics. He is the secretary of the UMCN FTF in the direction of "Technical Physics". Education and Career 1999 - graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics of the Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky on the specialty "Radiophysics and Electronics." Received in graduate school at the department of "General Physics" Saratov State Technical University. 2003 - after graduating from the graduate school defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences in specialties 05.13.18 - "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes" and 01.04.03 - "Radiophysics". 2003 - the scientific degree of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences was awarded by the Dissertation Council D 212.242.08 at the SSTU and approved by the State Higher Attestation Committee of the Russian Federation. Since 2003 he has been working at the Department of General Physics of the Saratov State Technical University. 2003 (September) - August 2004 - worked as an assistant to the department "General Physics". 2004 (September) - has passed on competition on a post of the senior lecturer of chair "General physics". 2007 - the order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the Department of General Physics. He is the secretary of the UMCN FTF in the direction of "Technical Physics".

Research Interest

Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Global Experts from Russian Federation

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