
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Pchelintseva Irina Nikolaevna

Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation


Education and Career 1983 - graduated from Saratov Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Economics and Organization of Machine-Building Production, qualification - engineer-economist. 1983-1985 - economist of the mechanical shop, engineer-rationer of the department of labor and wages of the Saratov plant of construction machines 1985-1988 - engineer of the scientific group of the Saratov Polytechnic Institute. 1988 -1991 - full-time postgraduate study at the Moscow Institute of Management named after S. Ordzhonikidze. 1991 - defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences at the Moscow Institute of Management named after S. Ordzhonikidze. 1991-2006 - assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor of the department "Economics and management in mechanical engineering" of the SSTU. 1999 - awarded the title of Associate Professor in the Department of Economics and Management in Mechanical Engineering. 2006-2009 - studied in full-time doctoral studies of the Saratov State Technical University. 2009 - awarded the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences. 2009 - Professor of the Department of Economics and Management in Mechanical Engineering, Saratov State Technical University. 2011 - received the title of professor. 2011 - awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. 2011 - Member of the Dissertation Council D 212.242.11 at Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. 2012 - Professor of the Department of Applied Economics and Innovation Management of the SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A. 2016 - Professor of the Department of "Economic Security and Innovation Management of the SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A.Education and Career 1983 - graduated from Saratov Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Economics and Organization of Machine-Building Production, qualification - engineer-economist. 1983-1985 - economist of the mechanical shop, engineer-rationer of the department of labor and wages of the Saratov plant of construction machines 1985-1988 - engineer of the scientific group of the Saratov Polytechnic Institute. 1988 -1991 - full-time postgraduate study at the Moscow Institute of Management named after S. Ordzhonikidze. 1991 - defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences at the Moscow Institute of Management named after S. Ordzhonikidze. 1991-2006 - assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor of the department "Economics and management in mechanical engineering" of the SSTU. 1999 - awarded the title of Associate Professor in the Department of Economics and Management in Mechanical Engineering. 2006-2009 - studied in full-time doctoral studies of the Saratov State Technical University. 2009 - awarded the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences. 2009 - Professor of the Department of Economics and Management in Mechanical Engineering, Saratov State Technical University. 2011 - received the title of professor. 2011 - awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. 2011 - Member of the Dissertation Council D 212.242.11 at Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. 2012 - Professor of the Department of Applied Economics and Innovation Management of the SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A. 2016 - Professor of the Department of "Economic Security and Innovation Management of the SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A.

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Global Experts from Russian Federation

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