Reshetnikov Maxim Vladimirovich
Urban Studies, Architecture and Construction
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation
Education and Career 2000-2004 - geophysicist at OOO IM-Saratov. 2004-2007 - Deputy General Director for the production of the GTI OOO Yamal-Petroservice. 2007-present - Head of the GTI Party in OAO Kogalymneftegeofizika. 2011 - graduated from the Geological Faculty in the specialty "Geology of Oil and Gas" of the Saratov State University. N.G. Chernyshevsky with the award of qualification "Mining engineer" in the specialty "Geology of oil and gas."Education and Career 2000-2004 - geophysicist at OOO IM-Saratov. 2004-2007 - Deputy General Director for the production of the GTI OOO Yamal-Petroservice. 2007-present - Head of the GTI Party in OAO Kogalymneftegeofizika. 2011 - graduated from the Geological Faculty in the specialty "Geology of Oil and Gas" of the Saratov State University. N.G. Chernyshevsky with the award of qualification "Mining engineer" in the specialty "Geology of oil and gas."
Research Interest
Urban Studies, Architecture and Construction