
Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Experts

Rogacheva Svetlana Mihailovna

biological sciences
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation


Education and Career 1988 - graduated with honors from the Faculty of Chemistry, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. 1988-1989 - was trained in the courses of advanced training of workers in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology in the branch of the MVLomonosov Moscow State University. Lomonosov (Pushchino-on-Oka). 1988-1995 - worked as a junior researcher, research associate in the Saratov branch of the All-Union Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms. 1995-1998 - studied in graduate school at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. She defended her thesis on the specialties "Microbiology" and "Biochemistry". Was a Soros graduate student. 1998-2009 - worked at the Saratov Military Institute of Biological and Chemical Safety as a senior lecturer at the Department of Technologies for the Destruction of Chemical Weapons and Toxic Substances. Fellow of the Potanin Foundation. Since 2004 , she has been an applicant for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences at the Department of Ecology of the Saratov State Technical University. 2005-2009 - worked (part-time) as an assistant professor, professor of the department "Ecology" Saratov State Technical University. 2008 (October) - defended her doctoral dissertation "The Role of the Water Component and Polysaccharide Cell Surface in Communication Processes of Living Systems: Analysis of Molecular Models" in the specialty "Biophysics". Since September 2009 - year is the head of the department "Natural and Technospheric Security" of Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. Since June 2012 he is an expert in the scientific and technical sphere (certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 02-00279). 2013 - awarded the academic title of Professor of the Department of Natural and Technospheric Security 2013-2015 - Member of the Dissertation Council of DM 212.337.02 at the Penza State Technological University. He is a member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Social and Production Management and the Academic Council of the Faculty of Ecology and Service of the SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A. In 2011-2015 - 86 scientific, 10 teaching and methodical works were published, 4 patents were co-authored. The Hirsch index is 4. She has developed and reads lecture courses: "Fundamentals of Microbiology and Biotechnology", "Fundamentals of Biochemistry", "Chemistry and Biology for Environmental Engineers", is the head of qualification works of undergraduates, bachelors, specialists. She prepared six candidates of biological sciences as scientific supervisor. Currently, 3 post-graduate students supervise the scientific work. He is the head of research on the state budget topics of the University for 2013-2015: "The functioning of living systems under conditions of anthropogenic load", the project manager 2.1.2. "Innovative technologies of protection and remediation of soils and reservoirs from chemical pollution" within the framework of the Strategic Development Program of the SSTU for 2012-2016, responsible executive of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 4.1299.2014 / K (2014-2016).Education and Career 1988 - graduated with honors from the Faculty of Chemistry, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. 1988-1989 - was trained in the courses of advanced training of workers in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology in the branch of the MVLomonosov Moscow State University. Lomonosov (Pushchino-on-Oka). 1988-1995 - worked as a junior researcher, research associate in the Saratov branch of the All-Union Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms. 1995-1998 - studied in graduate school at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. She defended her thesis on the specialties "Microbiology" and "Biochemistry". Was a Soros graduate student. 1998-2009 - worked at the Saratov Military Institute of Biological and Chemical Safety as a senior lecturer at the Department of Technologies for the Destruction of Chemical Weapons and Toxic Substances. Fellow of the Potanin Foundation. Since 2004 , she has been an applicant for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences at the Department of Ecology of the Saratov State Technical University. 2005-2009 - worked (part-time) as an assistant professor, professor of the department "Ecology" Saratov State Technical University. 2008 (October) - defended her doctoral dissertation "The Role of the Water Component and Polysaccharide Cell Surface in Communication Processes of Living Systems: Analysis of Molecular Models" in the specialty "Biophysics". Since September 2009 - year is the head of the department "Natural and Technospheric Security" of Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. Since June 2012 he is an expert in the scientific and technical sphere (certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 02-00279). 2013 - awarded the academic title of Professor of the Department of Natural and Technospheric Security 2013-2015 - Member of the Dissertation Council of DM 212.337.02 at the Penza State Technological University. He is a member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Social and Production Management and the Academic Council of the Faculty of Ecology and Service of the SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A. In 2011-2015 - 86 scientific, 10 teaching and methodical works were published, 4 patents were co-authored. The Hirsch index is 4. She has developed and reads lecture courses: "Fundamentals of Microbiology and Biotechnology", "Fundamentals of Biochemistry", "Chemistry and Biology for Environmental Engineers", is the head of qualification works of undergraduates, bachelors, specialists. She prepared six candidates of biological sciences as scientific supervisor. Currently, 3 post-graduate students supervise the scientific work. He is the head of research on the state budget topics of the University for 2013-2015: "The functioning of living systems under conditions of anthropogenic load", the project manager 2.1.2. "Innovative technologies of protection and remediation of soils and reservoirs from chemical pollution" within the framework of the Strategic Development Program of the SSTU for 2012-2016, responsible executive of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 4.1299.2014 / K (2014-2016).

Research Interest

biological sciences 

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