
Engineering Experts

Vavilina Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Electronic Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation


1988 - laboratory assistant of the MSF training and computing laboratory. 1992 - graduated from the St. Petersburg Polytechnic InstituteAutomated control systems » 2002 - Leading Engineer of the Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Vacuum-Welding Technology 2012 - Assistant of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Welding1988 - laboratory assistant of the MSF training and computing laboratory. 1992 - graduated from the St. Petersburg Polytechnic InstituteAutomated control systems » 2002 - Leading Engineer of the Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Vacuum-Welding Technology 2012 - Assistant of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Welding

Research Interest

Electronic Engineering and Mechanical Engineering

Global Experts from Russian Federation

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