Vigodina Evelina Grigorievna
Foreign languages ​​and professional communication
Saratov State Technical University
Russian Federation
2016 - graduated from SSU named after N.G. Chernyshesky in the direction "Romano-Germanic languages ​​in natural science and humanities". Since 2016 - studying in the magistracy of SSU named after N.G. Chernyshesky in the direction "Romano-Germanic languages ​​in natural science and humanities". Since 2016 - the teacher of the department of IPC SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A.2016 - graduated from SSU named after N.G. Chernyshesky in the direction "Romano-Germanic languages ​​in natural science and humanities". Since 2016 - studying in the magistracy of SSU named after N.G. Chernyshesky in the direction "Romano-Germanic languages ​​in natural science and humanities". Since 2016 - the teacher of the department of IPC SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A.
Research Interest
Foreign languages ​​and professional communication