
Materials Science Experts

Mikhail Spasennykh

Professor of the Practice, Director, Skoltech
Material Science
Russian Federation


After graduating from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute in 1983 in the field of molecular physics, Mikhail joined Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, where he defended his candidate of science thesis in 1990 in the area of isotope geochemistry and computer simulation of geochemical processes. In 1991-1993 Mikhail was a member of international research team at US-Russia Centre for Contaminant Transport Study in Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. He participated in the study of radionuclide transport in soils, groundwater and bottom sediments of contaminated reservoirs in South Ural region, including Lake Karachay the most radioactive place in the world. In 1993-1995 Mikhail served as a panel secretary of the Earth Sciences Division at the International Science Foundation, established by George Soros to support fundamental science in Russia. Mikhail was responsible for co-ordination of more than 1500 proposals and grants in geology, geophysics and geochemistry. After obtaining his second degree in Technology Management from the RF Academy of National Economy in 1999, Mikhail effectively combined his research experience with management skills. In 2002-2007 as Mikhail participated in creation of Yukos Research and Development Center. As a head of R&D department and later as a director of the Center he was responsible for development of Yukos R&D program and launch of international research projects in collaboration with world leading technological companies and universities in the area of hydrocarbon production, oil refining and petrochemistry. In 2007-2014 Mikhail was involved in corporate research in Schlumberger and Gazpromneft. As a business development manager of Schlumberger Moscow Research Center, Mikhail initiated a number of joint research projects with RF oil and gas companies focused on development of new technological solutions for exploration and production of unconventional hydrocarbons. As a head of department of innovation and technological policy of Gazpromneft, Mikhail developed and defended the program of innovation development of the Company and launched more than 15 research projects focused on technology for deep refining of hydrocarbons and catalyst production. Before taking over the directorship of the SCHR at the end of 2014, Mikhail worked as a consultant with Skoltech Vice-President for Public Programs and Industrial Cooperation Alexey Ponomarev on building business connections with the Russian and international industry in oil, gas and energy areas. With a very strong background in these fields, Mikhail has brought with him a wealth of experience in developing and managing R&D projects, business development, industrial cooperation and innovation facilitation to Skoltech. Mikhail is an author of more than 80 publications and patents in the area of isotope geochemistry, radioecology, reactive transport modeling, petrophysics, unconventional hydrocarbons, research project management.

Research Interest

Advanced petrophysics; Isotope geochemistry; Enhanced oil recovery; Reactive transport modeling;

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