Plyusnin Arkady Vladislavovich
Tyumen Cardiology Center Branch of Institute of Cardiology Tomsk Scientific Center
Russian Federation
Has been working in the Cardiology Center since 1998. After graduation from the school, A.V. Plyusnin entered the budget immediately into two universities: industrial and medical. He stopped at the last, which he never regretted. At the institute, Arkady Vladislavovich studied cardiology, and when it was time to choose between cardiac surgery and ultrasound, he chose diagnostics - this work gives the opportunity to constantly learn and develop. Most of all, Arkady Vladislavovich loves working with children. "Children are simple and direct, they do not carry a problem," A.V. Plyusnin. - It is at the moment of treatment that a miracle occurs when we are struggling with a child's illness and he becomes healthy. And it's amazing, when you find a pathology, you treat it and a small patient goes on the mend. " Trust in Arkady Vladislavovich is very high - some parents call and say that they want to receive exclusively to him. The doctor believes that he has found his vocation. He loves the work and gets full satisfaction from it.
Research Interest
Cardiomyopathy Angina pectoris Congenital heart defect Atrial fibrillation