Veterinary Sciences

Veterinary Sciences Experts


Member of the Board
Veterans Medical Center
Russian Federation


Anastasiya Varlamova is a postgraduate student of the third course of all-russian scientific research institute of fundamental and applied parasitology of animals and plants named after k i skryabin. the spheres of her scientific work are veterinary parasitology and pharmacology. she studies new dosage forms of drugs, tests new methodics of researches with her scientific advisor. the aim of her work is decreasing the toxicity of drugs and reduction of drug residues in food. Anastasiya Varlamova is a postgraduate student of the third course of all-russian scientific research institute of fundamental and applied parasitology of animals and plants named after k i skryabin. the spheres of her scientific work are veterinary parasitology and pharmacology. she studies new dosage forms of drugs, tests new methodics of researches with her scientific advisor. the aim of her work is decreasing the toxicity of drugs and reduction of drug residues in food.

Research Interest

Veterinary Immunology

Global Experts from Russian Federation

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