Mohamed Gamal Mahmoud
Al Jouf University
Saudi Arabia
"Mohammed Gamal Mahmoud is an assistant professor , medicinal chemistry department , faculty of pharmacy Al-Jouf university KSA, faculty of pharmacy Beni Suef University, Egypt . In the last two years, he shared with all staff members in Ibn Sina National college , Jeddah, KSA( 2014-16) to get NCAAA full accreditation (7 years ) for pharmacy program .he was supervising final year student research projects , he was responsible for many research activities in pharmacy program like 1st ISNC for medical studies scientific conference in ISNC-Jeddah, 1st edition of ISNC local Newsletter. Gamal received his B.SC at faculty of pharmacy Beni Suif university july 2004, he completed his master in October 2009 and his Ph.D in june 2013in pharmaceutical analytical chemistry ( analysis of some drugs acting on GIT). In 2011 he joined Charles sturt university , Wagga Wagga ,Australia biomedical school poly phenol analysis group in a scholarship . His Ph.D thesis was chosen as the best Ph. D. thesis in Beni suef university in 2014.His main area of research is drug analysis by spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods and evaluation of drug stability by LC-MS. Currently , Dr Gamal is assistant professor in medicinal chemistry department , faculty of pharmacy Al-Jouf university , KSA. Gamal has about 12 publications in international journals , 16 citations with 3 h-index according to Google scholar . he is reviewer of many scientific journals like Spectrochimica Acta ."
Research Interest