
Business & Management Experts

Abdel Monim Shaltoni

Assistant Professor
Alfaisal University
Saudi Arabia


Dr. AbdelMonim Shaltoni has an extensive experience in the fields of marketing and e-business. He holds a PhD in e-marketing from the University of Birmingham/UK. Currently, he is the director of the undergraduate program at the college of business/Alfaisal University. Before starting his academic career, Dr. Shaltoni worked as marketing and business development manager for software houses. He spent a major part of his academic career as an assistant professor in marketing at the University of Petra/Jordan where he was also head and member in several councils/committees. Other teaching experiences were at the University of Westminster (London) and the University of Jordan (Amman). His research interests focus on the organizational adoption of e-marketing and marketing practices in developing countries where he secured research funds and published in international peer reviewed journals and conferences. Dr. Shaltoni taught courses at both the postgraduate and undergraduate levels. This includes, but not limited to: Marketing management, service marketing, consumer behaviour, e-marketing/internet marketing strategy, marketing research, special topics in marketing and e-business. Dr. Shaltoni has also conducted consultancy and training projects. He participated in several workshops and TV interviews related to e-marketing. Dr. Shaltoni was born in Germany; he completed his BA in business administration at the University of Jordan and MBA at the University of Leicester/UK.

Research Interest

Marketing and business development, Management Education.


  • Shaltoni, AM, Khraim, H., Abuhamad, A., & Amer, M. (2015). Exploring students’ satisfaction with universities’ portals in developing countries: A cultural perspective. The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology , (previously campus - wide information systems (Emerald ) 32(2) pp .82 - 93 .

  • Shaltoni , AM (2016) . E - marketing education in transition: An analysis of international courses and programs . The International Journal of Management Education ( E lsevier ) . 14 (2) pp.212 - 218.

  • Pinar, M. Wilder, C Stuck, M and Shaltoni, AM (Accepted, forthcoming 2017). Effects of Gender, Occupational Stereotyping and Culture on Perceived Service Quality in Anglo - Saxon and Middle Eastern Cultures, Services Marketing Quarterly ( Taylor & Francis), 38(4), pp. TBD

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