Jose Rey-ladino
Microbiology& Immunology
Alfaisal University
Saudi Arabia
Dr Jose Rey - Ladino is currently a Professor of Microbiology & Immunology at Al F aisal University, School of Medicine, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Dr. Rey - Ladino’s t eaching and research interests lie broadly in the realm of microbiology, immunology, infectious diseases and vaccine development. He completed a Ph.D in Parasitology at The Veterinary Institute in Saint Petersburg, Russia in 1982. Then he joined the Intern ational Centre for Tropical Medicine (Tulane University - Colciencias) in Cali, Colombia, where he developed research on pathogenesis of cutaneous and mucocutanous leishmaniasis . He was awarded with a Research Fellowship from the World Health Organization an d completed a second Ph.D. in Immunology and Microbiology at the University of British Columbia, Canada in 1996. He then received a Canadian CIHR Fellowship to stud y regulation of T and B lymphocyte adhesion and migration , the BC Cancer Research Center, Va ncouver, Canada. He worked as senior scientist at the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Canada, where he developed an immunoprotemomics approach to identify Chlamydia trachomatis vaccine candidate antigen s. Before joining Al F aisal, Dr Rey - Ladino was Asso ciate Professor at Griffith University in Australia. His current activities include, teaching medical and graduate students, curriculum development for medical and graduate students.
Research Interest
Biomedicine and B iotechnology, Immunology, Microbiology.
Jiang, X., Shen, C., Rey - Ladino, J ., Yu, H. and Brunham, RC. 2008. Characterization of a dendritic cell line (JAWS II) and bone marrow - derived dendritic cells in Chlamydia antigen presentation and induction of protective immunity. Infection and Immunity , 78(6): 2392 - 401.
D.P. McManus, D. J. Gray, Y Li, G. M. Williams, Z. Feng, J. Rey - Ladino , D. Stewart, & A.G. Ross (2010). Schistosomiasis in the People's Republic of China: The Era of the Three Gorges Dam. Clinical Microbiology Reviews , April; 23 (2): 442 - 466.
Rey - Ladino, J . Allen G. Ross, Allan W Cripps, Donald P. McManus and Ronald Quinn, 2011. Natural Products and the search for adjuvants , Vaccine , 29(38): 6464 - 71.