Hussein Hoteit
Asscioate professor
physical science and engineering division
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Professor Hoteit‘s research is focused on Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) schemes in Reservoir Engineering. Dr. Hoteit has conducted research in different areas such as chemical EOR, modeling multi-phase flow in naturally fractured reservoirs using higher-order methods, modeling molecular diffusion and gas-oil interaction in gas flood in fractured reservoirs, Knudsen diffusion in unconventional plays, high resolution simulations for full field chemical EOR, improved SAGD, thermodynamic phase behavior calculation, wax deposition in pipelines and other area related to discretization methods and gridding. Dr. Hoteit has about 14 years of experience in the Oil & Gas industry. He was selected as SPE Distinguished Lecturer in 2009 and severs as an Associate Editor for SPE journal since 2006.
Research Interest
earth science and engineering