Deanna Lacoste
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Saudi Arabia
Prof. DEANNA LACOSTE Specialises in plasma-assisted combustion and flame dynamics, with special emphasis on control of thermoacoustic instabilities by non-equilibrium plasma discharges. She is working as Assistant Professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia.
Research Interest
Professor Lacoste‘s research interests are in plasma-assisted combustion and flame dynamics, with special emphasis on control of thermoacoustic instabilities by non-equilibrium plasma discharges. She is also interested in detonation and development of optical diagnostics for combustion and electrical discharges.
Guiberti TF, Juddoo M, Lacoste DA, Dunn MJ, Roberts WL, Masri AR. Fuel effects on the stability of turbulent flames with compositionally inhomogeneous inlets. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2017 Dec 31;36(2):1777-84.
Lacoste DA, Moeck JP, Roberts WL, Chung SH, Cha MS. Analysis of the step responses of laminar premixed flames to forcing by non-thermal plasma. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2017 Dec 31;36(3):4145-53.