Omar Knio
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Saudi Arabia
Prof. OMAR KNIO Specialises in uncertainty quantification, Bayesian inference, computational fluid mechanics, combustion, oceanic and atmospheric flows, turbulent flow, physical acoustics, energetic materials, microfluidic devices, dynamical systems, asymptotic techniques, multi-resolution methods, high-performance computing, optimization under uncertainty, and data-enabled predictive science. He is working as Professor in Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia.
Research Interest
Professor Knio’s research interests include uncertainty quantification, Bayesian inference, computational fluid mechanics, combustion, oceanic and atmospheric flows, turbulent flow, physical acoustics, energetic materials, microfluidic devices, dynamical systems, asymptotic techniques, multi-resolution methods, high-performance computing, optimization under uncertainty, and data-enabled predictive science.
Alexanderian A, Winokur J, Sraj I, Srinivasan A, Iskandarani M, Thacker WC, Knio OM. Global sensitivity analysis in an ocean general circulation model: a sparse spectral projection approach. Computational Geosciences. 2012 Jun 1;16(3):757-78.
Rizzi F, Jones RE, Debusschere BJ, Knio OM. Uncertainty quantification in MD simulations of concentration driven ionic flow through a silica nanopore. I. Sensitivity to physical parameters of the pore. The Journal of chemical physics. 2013 May 21;138(19):194104.