Chaker Aloui
Saudi Arabia
"Dr. Chaker Aloui holds MSc and a PhD in Finance from El Manar University, Tunis (Tunisia) and obtains his HDR (Habilitation for Supervising Doctoral Research) in Management Sciences in March 2003. In 2006, he co-founded a Unit Research Group (International Finance Group- Tunisia). In September 2012, he joined the Department of Finance at the College of Business Administration, CBA, (King Saud University) as Full Professor of Finance. Before joining CBA, he served as Assistant Professor of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economic Sciences of Tunis (FSEGT), El Manar University (1996-2008) and as Associate Professor of Finance at the High Institute of Accounting and Business Administration (ISCAE), Manouba University, Tunisia (2008-2012). His principal research area is related to theoretical and quantitative finance. His research interests are focused on emerging markets finance, Islamic financial markets, energy finance, volatility forecasting, risk quantification and management in international financial and commodity markets. His main research papers are published in highly ranked refereed journal including, Quantitative Finance, International Economics, Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Emerging Markets Review, Economic Modelling, Policy Modelling, Journal of International Financial Markets & Institutions, Journal of Energy Markets, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, International Journal of Business. "
Research Interest
His principal research area is related to theoretical and quantitative finance. His research interests are focused on emerging markets finance, Islamic financial markets, energy finance, volatility forecasting, risk quantification and management in international financial and commodity markets