
Healthcare Experts

Nasim Rafiq

Northumbria Universit
Saudi Arabia


Coordination and communication: Coordinating - all hospital staff and departments Organizing - regular meetings so that everyone receives the same information and has a chance to express his/her opinions Briefing new members of the hospital team about both the hospital and their own specific roles (for this purpose there should be a file containing essential information, policies, procedures and the emergency plan for the hospital) Ensuring that visitors, and in particular journalists, receive correct information and respect both medical confidentiality and the patients' privacy Noting important events and changes which lead to major policy decisions (for future reference and evaluation) Clarifying overlapping responsibilities with the hospital administrator Developing an emergency plan for the hospital together with the hospital administrator Clinical Supervision Establishing and maintaining the standardized approach to patient management Advising less experienced colleagues in the clinical management of patients Being present on the wards Keeping professional knowledge up to date and being receptive to new ideas which could improve patient care Management of medical and nursing staff: Anticipating and planning the number of medical and nursing staff needed Interviewing and selecting new staff Planning training together with the teaching nurse Drawing up job descriptions Maintaining duty rosters, planning annual leave and keeping note of all sick leave and other absence from duty Discussion and evaluation of professional performance Recognizing signs of stress in all members of staff

Research Interest

Healthcare,Healthcare Management,Hospitals,Public Speaking,etc

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