
Engineering Experts

Alenka Milovanović

Faculty of Technical Sciences
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


She has published 75 scientific and professional papers. Of these, 22 papers were published in magazines, of which 17 were published in M20 magazines. 35 works were presented at international conferences held in the country and abroad, and 15 works were presented at domestic scientific meetings, one of them on call and 4 papers were rewarded. The co-author is 2 university textbooks, 1 collection of tasks, 2 practitioners for laboratory exercises and one monograph. He is also a co-author of 2 collections (catalogs) of remote laboratory experiments. Scientific-expert works by Dr Alenka Milovanović include the following fields: Theoretical electrical engineering - in particular electrostatics and metrology - special measurements of electromagnetic fields. She worked as a researcher on 6 scientific-research projects funded by the Ministry of Science, of which 5 were applicative and 1 fundamental, and was a participant in 4 international projects. She spent a month (2004) on vocational training at the Technical University in Ilmenau, Germany, and a month in professional training at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Informatics in Maribor, Slovenia (2003). He is currently a participant in a scientific-research project funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development. Since 2005 he is the secretary of the Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering.

Research Interest

Theoretical and General Electrotechnics


  • Milovanovic A , Koprivica B., Bjekic M., "Application of the Charge Simulation Method to the Calculation of Characteristic Parameters of Printed Transmission Lines", International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), Vol.5 No.6 , pp. 2722-2726, 2010. Print ISSN 1827-6660, Cd-Rom ISSN 1827-6679

  • Kolundzija, B., Milovanović, A., "An Approximate Expression for the Calculation of the Electric Field in the Vicinity of the Cube Electrode with Rounded Wedges", FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (NiÅ¡) Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol.21, No.1 , April 2008, pp. 73 -81, ISSN 0353-3670

  • Milovanović, A., "Distribution of Earth Atmospheric Electric Field in the Vicinity of Vehicles for Transport Petroleum Derivates", FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (NiÅ¡) Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol.19, No.2, August 2006, pp. 189 -196, ISSN 0353-3670.

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