Anica Glođović
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Philology and Art
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Anica Glođović was born 07.10.1978. in Kragujevac where he is from He finished his primary school "Mirko Jovanović" with great success. In period From 1993 to 1997 she attended the social-linguistic direction of the First Kragujevac gymnasia. She graduated in 1997 with great success (5.00). In the group for English language and literature at the Faculty of Philology in She graduated in Belgrade in 2002 with an average of 8.73 and got a title professor of English language and literature. In the period from 2002 to 2008 she worked He is a professor of English at the elementary school "Sveti Sava" in Kragujevac and secondary schools "Toza Dragović" and First Kragujevac gymnasium. During In 2005, she was engaged as an English language teacher in the Regional Agency for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kragujevac, and from 2006 to December 2013 and as an English language lecturer in "Humanity", the organization of the charity fund of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kragujevac. From the September 2008 until September 2013. she was engaged as a mentor for English language of the Regional Center for Talents in Kragujevac. In 2007 She enrolled in doctoral studies, language module at the Faculty of Philology, Art Faculty of the University of Kragujevac and passed all the exams foreseen by the plan and program of Doctoral Studies with an average grade 9.25. Since May 2008 she has worked as an assistant in English courses language 1 and English language 2 Chairs for general education subjects at the Natural- Faculty of mathematics in Kragujevac, and since September 2014 as a teacher foreign language for a narrow scientific field English language conducting classes lectures and exercises on the academic programs of the Institute of Biology and Ecology, Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics and the Institute of Physics. In February 2016 she was elected to the title Assistant Professor for English at the Department of General Educational Subjects Natural- Faculty of mathematics in Kragujevac. Doctoral dissertation entitled Function of Adverbial Particles in English phraseic verbs and their Serbian translation equivalents she defended on May 7, 2014, at the Faculty of Philology and Art in Kragujevac and thus a doctor of philological sciences.
Research Interest
Contrastive linguistics, General linguistics, English syntax, Translatology
Anica GloÄ‘ović, "One overview of prefixes in Serbian: correlation with English particle out", (2015), p. 263-276, Science and Freedom (Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Science and Freedom), Volume 9, vol. I [Editor prof. dr MiloÅ¡ KovaÄević], Pale: Faculty of Philosophy (DOI 10.7251 / ZRNDSFFP09152263G, COBISS.RS-ID 5033752, ISBN 978-99938-47-69-4
Anica Glođović, Sandra Stefanović, "One overview of the Serbian verbal prefix of the English verbal part up", (2015), Proceedings of Matica srpska za filologiju i lingvistiku LVIII / 2, Novi Sad, p. 109-124 (UDC 811.163.41'367.625, UDC 811.111'367.625, ISSN 0352-5724, UDC 80/81 (082))
Anica Glođović, Sandra Stefanović, "Characteristics of media discourse on the topic of Serbia and the European Union", (2015), Serbian political thought, number 4/2015, year XXII, vol. 50, Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade p. 293-312 (UDC 316.774 (497.11): 81'42, ISSN 0354-5989