
Business & Management Experts

Biljana Jovkovic

Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


Born 02.03.1978. in Sarajevo. She finished elementary school in 1992 with great success in Sarajevo. In Central Economics School, a commercial technician graduated in Zvornik as the holder of the Vuk's diploma in 1997. Upon finishing high school, she enrolled at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac and completed her studies in Finance and Accounting with average grade during the 9.42 study. The thesis on the topic "Audit of Financial Statements of the Insurance Organization of AD" Takovo "Kragujevac" worked on the subject Control and Auditing and graduated on June 17, 2002. In the course of the study, she was awarded several times on the occasion of the University Day. Postgraduate studies at the MSc course Financial and accounting analysis enrolled in the academic year 2002/2003. at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, as a student whose education is financed from the budget. The exams envisaged by the curriculum of the postgraduate studies were completed in February 2004 with an average grade of 9.45. The master thesis titled "Sampling and testing in the process of auditing the financial statements" was defended on February 23, 2007. at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade. She has published several works in journals of national and international importance in her work so far. The participant is also the author of the paper (2013) at the Symposium of the Association of Accountants and Auditors of Serbia in 2005 - 2013. The doctoral dissertation titled "External audit and credibility of the financial statements of insurance organizations" was defended on March 23, 2012. at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac. She began her career at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac on November 2, 2002. By choosing a trainee assistant on the subject Control and Audit. In July 2007 she was selected as an assistant in the subject Control and Audit. From school year 2008/2009. She also conducted exercises in the Accounting of financial organizations course. In January 2013 she was elected assistant professor, for the major scientific field Accounting, auditing and business finance - teaching courses Accounting of financial organizations and Audit of financial reports. She is engaged in master and doctoral academic studies at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac. In addition to teaching and pedagogical activities, she actively participated in the work of a number of faculty boards and other faculty activities. Since July 2009, he has been a member of the Supervisory Board "Zastava Arms" ad Kragujevac as a representative from the accounting and auditing profession. Serves in English and uses MS OFFICE programs on the computer.

Research Interest

Accounting of Financial Organizations, Audit of financial statements, Internal control and revision, Forensic accounting, Company profit policy

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