Danijela Despotović
Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
She has been employed at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Kragujevac since 1991 when she was elected as a trainee assistant in the subject of Public and Monetary Finance . In 1998 she was elected assistant in the same subject. She was selected in 2005 as an assistant in the subject Macroeconomic Models in Decision Making . She also carried out the exercises from the subject " Basics of macroeconomics" . In 2010, she was elected as a senior lecturer in the field of general economics and economic development - the subject of Macroeconomic models in decision making . By the decision of the Teaching-Scientific Council, since 2010, it was designated for the teaching of Teaching and Economic Policy Analysis.
Research Interest
Financing of economic development, Economic policy in crisis conditions, Theory and analysis of economic policy