Danijela Tadic
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
She is working as professor at the faculty of mechanical engineering, University of kragujevac, Serbia.
Research Interest
Manufacturing Engineering, Industrial Engineering
Tadić, B., Mitrović, R., Tadić, D., Recording the amount of PC on the territory of the Republic of Serbia-statistical evaluation, Economic Anali, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Vol.- No.169, pp. 127-141, ISSN -, 2006
Matijević, M., Tadić, D., Janković, S., Fuzzy estimation of isolated oviduct response to histamine, Pharmacologyonline, Vol.-, No.1, pp. 83-89, ISSN -, 2006
Stefanović, M., Tadić, D., Arsovski, S., Arsovski, Z., Aleksić, A., A Fuzzy Multicriteria Method for E-learning Quality Evaluation, Int. J. Engng. Ed., Vol.26, No.5, pp. 1200-1209, ISSN 0949-149, 2010