Dejan Bojović
Associate Professor
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
He is working as associate professor of mathematics and informatics at the University of Kragujevac, Serbia.
Research Interest
Numerical analysis, Partial equations
DR Bojović, BS Jovanović, Finite difference method for a parabolic problem with a concentrated capacity and time-dependent operator, Springer, Appr. and Comp., (2011), Vol. 42, 285-296
DR Bojović, BS Jovanović, Convergence of a finite difference method for solving 2D parabolic interface problems, J. Comp. Appl. Math., 236 (2012), 3605-3612
DR Bojović, BS Sredojević, BS Jovanović, Numerical approximation of a two-dimensional parabolic time-dependent problem containg adelta function, J. Comp. Appl. Math. (2014), Vol. 259, 129-137