Dejan Sekulić
Hotel Management and Tourism
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
He is working as the faculty of hotel management and tourism at the University of Kragujevac, Serbia.
Research Interest
Marketing Management, Researching the tourism market, Management of accommodation capacities, Marketing in hotel industry, Room management
Sekulić, D., Maksimović, N. (2013). Green Hotels - Significance of "green" attributes for consumers in hotel industry, Ecologica, vol. 20, no. 70, p. 257-260. (ISSN 0354-3285, UDC: 332.15.36: 640.41, COBISS.SR - ID 80263175)
Sekulić, D., Mandarić, M. (2013). Quality of services as a determinant of consumer satisfaction in hotel industry, Marketing, vol. 44, no. 3, p. 231-246. (ISSN 0354-3471, UDK 658.6: 640.)
Sekulić, D., Mandarić, M. (2014). Models for Measuring Services Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Hotel Industry, Actual Problems of Economics, p. 480-487. (ISSN 1993-6788)