
Business & Management Experts

Dejana Zlatanović

Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


Dejan Zlatanovic was born on January 29th. In 1977, in Kragujevac, where she finished elementary school as the holder of the "Vuk Karadzic" diploma, and the Second Kragujevac Gymnasium, with great success. Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Department of Management, enrolled in academic 1996/1997. years. Graduated on February 22, 2001. year, with an average grade of 9.12. Graduation from the Economic Cybernetics course, titled "Diagnosis and redesign of the system of a person to survive - cybernetic conceptualization of managerial problem situations", defended it with a score of 10 (ten). Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Department of Management, group Quantitative Methods, enrolled in academic 2001/2002. years. The exams enrolled in the curriculum passed with an average grade of 10.00. The magisterial thesis titled "Cyber-Structure of Control Problem Positions" was defended on June 24, 2008. at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac. The doctoral dissertation titled "Methodological aspects of combined use of systemic methodologies in managing business business problems" defended on 23.03.2015. at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac. She is employed at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Kragujevac since September 3, 2001. First, as an assistant-trainee, at Economic Cybernetics. From the academic year 2002/2003. In the course of the year, he also practices exercises from the Science Management and System Theory - application in the business economy. In the title of assistant on subjects Economic cybernetics and System theory - application in business economy was selected on February 5, 2009. year, and re-elected 05.02.2012. years. At the Master Academic Studies at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, in the academic year 2013/2014. During the year, she conducted exercises on the subject Methodology of Scientific Research Work. From October 2005 to October 2009, she was the Secretary of the Department of Management and Business Economics. The main areas of her scientific-professional interest are: cybernetic approach to dealing with complex problems of business economics, systemic conceptualization and creative management of complex and multifaceted problem situations in enterprises, systemic methodologies for structuring problems of business economy. She has published a number of papers in the field of systemic, cybernetic conceptualization and structuring of managerial problems in the business economy, in scientific journals of international and national importance, thematic collections, proceedings of scientific conferences and symposiums. Speaks and serves English and French. For the purpose of scientific-professional training, she was at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, in the period 15.11-15.12.2013. as a participant in the exchange program on the basis of the Bilateral Cooperation Agreement between the University of Kragujevac and the University of Maribor.

Research Interest

Management Science, Critical management of problem situations, System-application theory in the business economy,

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