Dragana Gnjatović
Hotel Management and Tourism
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Basic academic studies: Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, graduated in 1978. Master's Studies: Center for Slavic and Eastern European Studies, ND. University of Florida, Talagasi, USA, Master's Degree in 1979. Doctor of Science: Faculty of Economics Un. in Belgrade, doctoral in 1984. Movement in employment: Economic Institute Belgrade 1979-1993. Police academy in Belgrade 1993-2003. Faculty of Geoekonomics, Belgrade 2003-2009. Faculty of Public Administration and Administration, Belgrade, 2009-2012. Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism in V. Banji, 2012- Highest scientific title, Scientific Advisor, 2000.
Research Interest
Basics of economy, National economy, History of economic thought, Macroeconomics, Economic history
Gnjatović, D. (2015). Principality of Serbia on the Road to European Monetary Standards, Banking, 44 (2): 12-33, Assosiation of Serbian Banks UDK 336.741.237.2 (497.11) "1868"; 336.746 (497.11) "1815/1882", ISSN 1451-4354
Gnjatović, D. (2015). Borrowing of the International Monetary Fund during the Global Financial and Economic Crisis, Banking, 44 (4): 40-61, Assosiation of Serbian Banks UDC 339.732.4; 339,727.2; 338.124.4 (100), ISSN 1451-4354
Gnjatović, D. (2016). Macroeconomic Porspects in the Banking Industry, Banking, 45 (2): 104-113, Assosiation of Serbian Banks UDK 336.71; 330.101.541 ISSN 1451-4354 doi: 10.5937 / banking1602104G