Dragana Pešić
Hotel Management and Tourism
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Since 2011, she is working as the faculty at the University of Kragujevac, Serbia.
Research Interest
Applied linguistics, Language in the service of the profession
Pešić, D., Radovanović, A. (2014), The Changing Face of ESP Instruction at the Studies of Tourism. 1st International Conference "Higher Education in the Function of Sustainable Development of Tourism in Serbia and Western Balkans", Paper Proceedings, p. 411-420.
Nedeljković, D. (2009) Anglicisms in the business register of the Serbian language. Serbian language XIV. p. 585-590 (ISSN 0354-9259. COBISS.SR-ID 140692487. UDC 811.163.41'375.45: 811.111)