Dubravka Živković
Research Associate
Faculty of Engineering
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
She is serving as research associate at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Serbia.
Research Interest
Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Process Engineering
Jelić, D., Gordić, D., Babić, M., KonÄalović, D., Å uÅ¡terÅ¡iÄ, V., Thermal Science, Vol.-, No.-, Review of current energy management standards and possibilities for its introduction in Serbia, pp. -, ISSN -, Doi 10.2298 / TSCI091106003J, 2010
Vladimir Vukasinovic, Dusan Gordic, Milun Babic, Dubravka Jelic, Davor Koncalovic, Review of the Efficiency of Cogeneration Units Using Internal Combustion Engines, International Journal of Green Energy, Vol.13, No.5, pp. 446-453, ISSN 1543-5075, 2016
Babić Milun, Milovanović Dobrica, JoviÄić NebojÅ¡a, Gordić DuÅ¡an, Despotović Milan, Å uÅ¡terÅ¡iÄ Vanja, Jelić Dubravka, KonÄalović Davor, BoÅ¡ković Goran, About the achievement of goals of development policy in the area of ​​energy efficiency, environmental protection and sustainable development in the City of Kragujevac, Thermal Science, Vol.14, No. 3, pp. S1-S14, ISSN 0354-9836, 2010