Živadin Micić
Faculty of Technical Sciences
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Dr Živadin Micić was born in 1955 in Hungary (the municipality of Ražanj, district of Niš). He finished high school in Kragujevac, and in 1979 graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kragujevac. He obtained the academic title of the Master of Engineering in 1982 at the same faculty at the University of Kragujevac, defending his work titled "Solving Geometric Nonlinear Problems of Shells Using the Finite Element Method". He obtained his Ph.D. degree in technical science from the University of Niš in 1997, under the title "Product development in a quality system supported by an information and expert system".
Research Interest
Information Technologies and Systems
Micić: Standardization to a Higher Level of Quality of Development and Application of IT, Technique, YU ISSN 0040-2176, UDC: 62 (062.2) (497.1), Belgrade, Year LVIII, No. 4-5 / 2003 (1-7), 2003.
Micić: IT and multidisciplinary approach to the engineering of road vehicles on the platform of quality, XIII international scientific symposium "MVM04", CD-proceedings, A37, Kragujevac, 04-06. 10. 2004.
Micić, I. Zlatanović, J. Obadović: Improving IT Quality in the Education System of Primary and Secondary Schools SCG, "Technology-Informatics-Obrazovanje-3", ISBN 86-7447-056-4, Institute for Pedagogical Research, Belgrade-Novi Sad (353-365), 2005.