Jelena Mladenović
Assistant Professor
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Elementary school and secondary medical school, pharmacy technician, finished in Leskovac with great success and Vuk's diplomas. She graduated in 2003 at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Niš on a chemistry group and gained an academic title of a graduate chemist. She enrolled in doctoral studies in 2008. at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Niš, Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry. PhD thesis entitled "vegetable extracts Allium porrum L ., Daucus carota L ., Capsicum annuum L . and Lycopersicon esculentum Mill . : chemistry, antioxidant, antimicrobial andanthicanceric activity and their application "was defended at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Niš with a score of 10.00 and a grade of 9.75 (ninth 75/100) and obtained a scientific title: Doctor of Science-Chemistry .
Research Interest
Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Jelena Mladenović*, Aleksandra Radovanović, RadoÅ¡ Pavlović, Blaga Radovanović, JasminaZdravković, Gordana Aćamović–Äoković:Cytotoxicity and antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Daucus carota L., Lycopersicon lycopersicum L.and Capsicum annuum L.Bulgarian Chemical Communications,No 3434/27.11.2013
Jelena Mladenović*, Blaga Radovanović, RadoÅ¡ Pavlović, Gordana Aćamović –Äoković: Cytotoxicity and Biological Activity natural compounds of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.,Oxidation Communications 37, No 1, 279–289 (2014) .
Jasmina M. Zdravković , Gordana S. Aćamović-Djoković, Jelena D. Mladenović, Radoš M. Pavlović, Milan S. Zdravković :Antioxidant Capacity and Contents of Phenols, Ascorbic Acidβ-Carotene and Lycopene in Lettuce, Hemijska industrija, (2014), vol. 68 br. 2, str. 193- 198.