Katarina Mitrović
Information technology and systems
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Mitrovic Katarina was born in 1991 in Cacak. Primary school "Dr DragiÅ¡a MiÅ¡ović" and high school "Gymnasium" finished in ÄŒaÄak with great success. Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade, Department of Information Systems and Technologies enrolled in 2010 and completed 2014 with an average grade of 9.16. The final work from which she was awarded a grade of 10.00 worked in the Theory of Games topic "Bajes' games and strategic moves with examples from cinema". With the completion of basic studies, he graduated as a graduated engineer of organizational sciences. Master studies at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Module Information Systems, entered in 2014 and finished in 2015 with an average grade of 10.00. Master work from which she received the grade of 10.00 worked on the topic "Development of Web application using a combination of two programming languages". With the completion of his master studies, he holds the title Master of Organizational Sciences. In 2016 she enrolled in doctoral academic studies at the University of Belgrade, the study program Intelligent Systems. The money award for the achievement achieved at the entrance exam for the faculty received from the municipality of ÄŒaÄak, 2010. The prize money for the achieved average was obtained from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. She received the Republic student scholarship in 2011, and the municipal 2012, 2013 and 2014.
Research Interest
Information technology and systems
Katarina Mitrović, Danijela MiloÅ¡ević, Nenad Stefanović and Marjan MiloÅ¡ević, Grails application in entrepreneurship, TIO 2016, ÄŒaÄak, Serbia, 28-29.05.2016. years
Katarina Mitrović, Danijela Milošević and Nenad Stefanović, Web applications development using a combination of Java and Groovy programming languages, ICIST 2016, Kopaonik, Serbia, 28.2-2.3.2016. years