KovaÄević Dr Milan
Associate Professors
Institute of Physics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Research Interest
Photonics, Physics of plasma, Physics teaching
Jelenkovic E., MS Kovacevic , JS Bajic, DZ Stupar, MP Slankamenac, M. Kovacevic, and Suet To, N-channel polysilicon TFTs as gamma ray detectors, Measurement Science and Technology 24 (2013) 105103-1 - 105103-5 .
Svetislav Savovic, Milan S. Kovacevic , Jovan S. Bajic, Dragan Z. Stupar, Aleksandar Djordjevic, Milos Zivanov, Branko Drljaca, Ana Simovic and Kyunghwan Oh, Temperature dependence of modular coupling in low-NA plastic optical fibers, Journal of Lightwave Technology 33, 89-94 (2015).
Milan S. Kovacevic , Ljubica Kuzmanovic, Alexandar Djordjevich, An analysis of W-shaped plastic optical fibers by WKB approximation, Opt Quant Electron DOI 10.1007 / s1182-016-0588-9 326-335 (2016).