
Business & Management Experts

Ljiljana Maksimović

Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


Ljiljana Maksimovic was born in 1956 in Novi Pazar. She finished elementary school and high school in Raska as the holder of the Vuk's diploma. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac in 1975 and graduated in 1979 with an average grade of 9.56. Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac, Department of Economic Development, enrolled in 1980/81 and ended with an average grade of 9.56. The magisterial work "Objectively determined estimates in the function of optimal use of resources" was defended on October 7, years. The doctoral dissertation "Forms of property, directions and possibilities of transformation of a social enterprise" was defended on March 21, 1997. at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac. In the period 1980-1985. year. she worked in the company "Filip Kljajić" as a financial planner and analysis analyst. In October 1985, she was elected assistant-trainee in March 1998. in April 2004 for an extraordinary and January 2012 for full professor at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac, at Teorija i politika cena price. She has been engaged in master studies at Globalization and Transition, and on PhD studies in Modern Economics and Competitiveness Analysis. She was a mentor and member of the commissions for evaluation and defense of a number of graduate, master and master's theses and doctoral dissertations. She was a reviewer and editor of several collections of works, a member of the program and organization committee of domestic and international scientific meetings, editor of the magazine Ekonomski horizonti, and is a member of the publishing committee of the magazine Ekonomska tema. She served as the Vice Dean for Scientific Research at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac. She was the President of the Council of the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac, a member of the Council of the University of Kragujevac and the Head of the Department of General Economic Theory and Economic Development, and is currently serving as dean of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Kragujevac. The main fields of scientific research of candidates are: microeconomic theory, transition, privatization, competitiveness at micro and macro level, protection of competition. For the purpose of scientific professional development, she has visited several universities abroad (Economic Academy in Krakow, Poland, University of Information Technology and Management in Zhevo, Poland, Faculty of Economics, University of Udine, Italy, Faculty of Management and Economics University in Bratislava, etc.).

Research Interest

Price theory and policy, Globalization and transition, Competitiveness analysis

Global Experts from Serbia and Montenegro

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