
Microbiology Experts

Ljiljana Čomić

Institute of Biology and Ecology
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


She is actively engaged in scientific-research work in the field of Biology, a narrow scientific field Microbiology. Published research results are important for the development of scientific thought within the ecology of microorganisms, contributing to the knowledge of the state and role of communities of microorganisms in natural ecosystems and a significant understanding of biotic interactions and other factors in biocenosis. A special aspect of the research work is the examination of the effects of natural and newly synthesized biotic active substances on microorganisms and the possibility of their application in the control of microorganisms. She published the results of scientific research in more than 300 library units, of which more than 70 are works published in international scientific journals (M21-23). A significant number of works have been published in national scientific journals (37), and widely reported on international (more than 70) and national scientific meetings (more than 50). Author of one textbook and several chapters in international and national monographs. At the PMF in Kragujevac, it established the Laboratory for Microbiology and organized a research group that successfully deals with the research of natural and newly synthesized antimicrobial substances from the aspect of control of microorganisms and microbial biofilm. Mentor of five defended doctoral dissertations, a number of masters theses and a large number of master and thesis papers. At the PMF in Kragujevac, it established the Laboratory for Microbiology and organized a research group that successfully deals with the research of natural and newly synthesized antimicrobial substances from the aspect of control of microorganisms and microbial biofilm. Mentor of five defended doctoral dissertations, a number of masters theses and a large number of master and thesis papers. At the PMF in Kragujevac, it established the Laboratory for Microbiology and organized a research group that successfully deals with the research of natural and newly synthesized antimicrobial substances from the aspect of control of microorganisms and microbial biofilm. Mentor of five defended doctoral dissertations, a number of masters theses and a large number of master and thesis papers.

Research Interest



  • Licina B., Stefanovic O., Vasic S., Radojevic I., Dekic M., Comic Lj. 2013. Biological activities of the extracts from wild growing Origanum vulgare L. Food control. 33, 498-504.

  • Stefanivic N., Radojevic I., Ostojic A., Comic Lj. , Topuzovic M. 2015. Composite Web Information System for Management of Water Resources. Water Resours Manage. 29: 2285-2301 DOI: 10.1007 / s11269-015-0941-

  • Nemanja Stanković, Tatjana Mihajilov-Krstev, Bojan Zlatković, Jelena Matejić, Vesna Stankov-Jovanović, Branislava Kocić, Ljiljana ÄŒomić . 2016. Comparative Study of Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Essential Oils of Selected Aromatic Plants from the Balkan Peninsula. Planta medica. DOI: 10.1055 / s-0042-101942

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